
Review article (Published On: 07-Mar-2024)

Assessment on food system drivers of Majang Zone, Gambella, Ethiopia: Their implication on food security outcome

Shibru Zerihun Fanta, Mesay Mulugeta Tefera and Meskerem Abi Teka

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (01):11-24

Shibru Zerihun Fanta: PhD candidate, Addis Ababa University, college of development studies, center for food security studies

Mesay Mulugeta Tefera: PhD program coordinator, Addis Ababa University, College of development studies, center for food security studies

Meskerem Abi Teka: Vice dean, Addis Ababa university, college of development studies

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Article History: Received on: 10-Sep-23, Accepted on: 03-Mar-24, Published on: 07-Mar-24

Corresponding Author: Shibru Zerihun Fanta


Citation: Shibru Zerihun, Messay Mulugeta and Meskerem Abi (2024). Assessment on food system drivers of Majang Zone, Gambella, Ethiopia: Their implication on food security outcome. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (01):11-24


The aim of study was to identify key food system drivers and their role in determining the food security outcome in the study area. The assessment revealed undiversified and less productive agriculture that gives little emphasis to modern technologies; little to no value-chain development of the major commodities; unemployment coupled with poor alternative income-generatingresources; an activities; open and illegal access to natural resources; incidence of incurable and chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS; overloading population due to both high birth rate and the influxof people to the area; underperforming education sector; poor governance and unresponsive leadership; few and malfunctioning institutions; poor development of infrastructures; ineffective policy formulation and implementation were some of the factors identified. As a way forward, besides the currently implemented responses by the government and development partners, the initiation of land certification, the implementation of legally defined clarity of the ownership and management of the natural resources, strengthening the link between the research and extension sectors, improving the local food systems via the development of a value chain for selected high-value agricultural commodities, building the capacity of institutions and strengthening infrastructure, working on the harmony and integration of the plan, and the implementation of government and partner activities for sustainable outcomes are all crucial in improving food security.


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