
Original research (Published On: 29-Mar-2019)

Effect of variety and rootstock age on the success and survivability of epicotyl grafting in mango

Santosh Kumar Bose and Kakoli Ghosh

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (01):13-25

Santosh Kumar Bose: Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

Kakoli Ghosh: Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

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Article History: Received on: 21-Mar-19, Accepted on: 26-Mar-19, Published on: 29-Mar-19

Corresponding Author: Santosh Kumar Bose


Citation: Bose SK, Ghosh K and Howlader P (2019). Effect of variety and rootstock age on the success and survivability of epicotyl grafting in mango. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (01):13-25


Aim: This experiment was conducted to study the effect of different varieties and rootstock age on the success and survivability of epicotyl grafting in Mango plant.

Materials and Methods: The experiment consisted of three varieties viz., Kachametha, Mollika and Langra and four ages of rootstock viz., 10, 20, 30 and 40 days aged. The experiment was conducted in Randomized complete Block Design (RCBD).

Results: The time required to bud break and first flash, rootstock length, rootstock diameter, scion length, scion diameter, stionic height, number of new leaves per graft, percentage of graft success and survivability were significantly influenced by varieties and age of rootstock. In case of variety, Mollika took minimum time (16.32 days) for bud breaking and first flashing (25.40 days). In addition, Mollika variety showed best performace in respect of rootstock length (20.60 cm), scion length (19.05 cm), stionic height (39.24 cm) and number of new leaves per graft (17.34) at 150 DAG. The highest graft success (83.67%) and survivability (75.42%) was also observed in Mollika variety. On the other hand, 30 days aged rootstock took minimum time (15.78 days) to bud break and first flash (25.58 days). Moreover, the highest rootstock length (25.06 cm), scion length (20.47 cm), stionic height (44.98 cm), number of new leaves (19.62) per graft were noted from same aged rootstock. Rootstock of 30 days old aged gave the highest graft success (81.56%) and survivability (65.22%) at 150 DAG.

Conclusion: The present study concluded that the variety Mollika onto 30 days old rootstock was found to be the most suitable for best growth performace of graft, the highest graft success and survivability in epicotyl grafting of mango.


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