
Original research (Published On: 23-Jun-2023)

Evaluation of early and medium maturity released soybean varieties for agronomic performance and adaptation at Meiso District of West Harerghea zone, Eastern Ethiopia

Abdulfeta Tariku, Temesgen Begna, Zewdu Asrat and Mastewal Gojam

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 05 (02):31-35

Abdulfeta Tariku: Ethiopian Institutes of Agricultural Research(EIAR), Chiro National Sorghum Research and Training Center(CNSRTC).

Temesgen Begna: Ethiopian Institutes of Agricultural Research, Chiro, Ethiopia

Zewdu Asrat: Ethiopian Institutes of Agricultural Research, Chiro, Ethiopia

Mastewal Gojam: Ethiopian Institutes of Agricultural Research, Chiro, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 18-Mar-23, Accepted on: 19-Jun-23, Published on: 23-Jun-23

Corresponding Author: Abdulfeta Tariku


Citation: Tariku A, Begna T, Asrat Z and Gojam M (2023). Evaluation of early and medium maturity released soybean varieties for agronomic performance and adaptation at Meiso District of West Harerghea zone, Eastern Ethiopia. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 05 (02):31-35


Aim: The objective of the study to evaluate improved, adaptable and high yielding soybean variety/ies for West Harerghea Zone and similar agro ecologies.

Materials and Methods: Eleven released soybean varieties were used as a planting material. The experimental design used was RCBD with three replications. Data of varieties for all of the traits were evaluated using statistical analysis.

Results: The statistical analysis showed significant difference at (P <0.01) among the varietiesfor all of the traits. The year by varieties interactions showed significant effect for days to maturity, days to flowering and plant height, while number of pods per plant, seeds per plant, number of hundred seed weight and grain yield had non-significant effect. Mean grain yield ranged from 1.49 t/ha to 2.79 t/ha. The four high yielding varieties were Gozella (2.79 t/ha), Coker-240(2.63t/ha), Nyala (2.36t/ha) and Afgat (2.33t/ha).

Conclusion: It was concluded that the early-maturing varieties are suitable for short rainfall areas and may also suit for double cropping in long rainfall areas. These varieties; Gozella, Coker-240, Nyala and Afgat, are recommended for growers in the study area (Meiso) and its similar agroecology in Western Harerghea zone Ethiopia.


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