
Original research (Published On: 15-Mar-2024)

Evaluation of optimum timing of nitrogen fertilizer application in cotton crop under the climate change scenario

laila and bilal muhammad

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (01):25-29

laila: researcher

bilal muhammad: farm manager

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Article History: Received on: 15-Sep-23, Accepted on: 10-Mar-24, Published on: 15-Mar-24

Corresponding Author: laila


Citation: Ateel SA, Ahmed I, Aslam M, Khalid L and Hanif MB (2024). Evaluation of optimum timing of nitrogen fertilizer application in cotton crop under the climate change scenario. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (01):25-29


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluation of optimum timing of nitrogen fertilizer application in cotton crop under the climate change scenario.

Materials and Methods: The experiment was laidout in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four treatments and repeated thrice. Soil sample were collected before planting crop from plough lair of the experimental site and analysis carried out as per method (Jackson 1962). The soil of the experimental sites was sandy loam with alkaline pH (8.2), 0.72% organic matter, 0.042% N, 4.3ppm available phosphorous & 132ppm available potash. Experimental treatments comprised of four different timings of Nitrogen i.e ½ nitrogen @99.5kg/ha on 30 days after sowing and ½ nitrogen @99.5kg/ha on 60days after sowing, 1/3rd nitrogen @66.3kg/ha on 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing, 1/4th nitrogen @49.75kg/ha on 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after sowing with a control check. Seed bed was prepared by cultivating the field for two times with tractor mounted cultivated each followed by planking.

Results: The different timings of Nitrogen fertilizer i.e ½ nitrogen @99.5kg/ha on 30 days after sowing and ½ nitrogen @99.5kg/ha on 60 days after sowing significantly affected the plant population/m2, plant height (cm), number of mature bolls/plant, seed cotton boll weight (g), and seed cotton yield kg/ha. The different timings of Nitrogen fertilizer was significantly affected almost all the characters related to growth and yield of B.T cotton variety NIAB-878.

Conclusion: It was concluded that doses of Nitrogen have varied effects on cotton yield and other growth parameters when used in different combinations.


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