
Review article (Published On: 17-Sep-2022)

Genetic erossion of anchote (Coccinia abyssinica) in Ethiopia: a Review

Afework Legesse

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 04 (03):20-27

Afework Legesse: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Jimma Research Center, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 02-Jun-22, Accepted on: 14-Sep-22, Published on: 17-Sep-22

Corresponding Author: Afework Legesse


Citation: Legesse A (2022). Genetic erossion of anchote (Coccinia abyssinica) in Ethiopia: a Review. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 04 (03):20-27


Ethiopia is the birthplace and diversification hub for several cultivated crops and wild relatives including anchote. Farmers use, protect and manage these different genetic resources to satisfy their livelihood requirements using indigenous knowledge. Due to the changing nature of agricultural production, Ethiopia's anchote genetic diversity, notably that of landraces, is today facing major genetic degradation and irreversible losses. Currently, indigenous crop genetic resources and farmers' traditional knowledge are critically threatened and vulnerable to rapid genetic erosion. Natural disasters, population pressure, change in farming system, market preferences, agricultural modernizations, urbanization, cost of stake, biotic factors, and changing cropping patterns as a result of climate change and environmental degradation are the main factors that have greatly influenced the magnitude of crop genetic diversity in the country. If this tendency continues, the crop genetic resource gene pool may be depleted in the near future. As a result, assessing Ethiopian genetic resources, estimating the pace of loss, and identifying main variables that cause genetic erosion are critical for conservation and long-term utilization of Anchote.


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