
Review article (Published On: 30-Jun-2021)

Global impacts of sorghum anthracnose disease on sorghum production and its management option: A review

Abdulfeta Tariku

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (02):37-41

Abdulfeta Tariku: Chiro National Sorghum Research and Training Center, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 08-May-21, Accepted on: 26-Jun-21, Published on: 30-Jun-21

Corresponding Author: Abdulfeta Tariku


Citation: Tariku A (2021). Global impacts of sorghum anthracnose disease on sorghum production and its management option: A review. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (02):37-41


Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important staple food crop for most communities in the developed and under-developed countries.Global sorghum production and productivity is affected by various stresses notably by biotic factors such as diseases, weeds and insect pests. Among which sorghum anthracnose caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum sublineola is an important one which is now considered as destructive disease of sorghum. Sorghum anthracnose occurs in epidemic proportions under high temperature and humidity conditions causing yield losses reaching up to 80% in susceptible varieties which can cause significant losses in grain yield and quality. This review provides the status of sorghum production, important production constraints with emphasis to anthracnose disease and its management options. Information presented in this paper may guide future breeding of sorghum varieties incorporating farmer needs and preferences.


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