
Original research (Published On: 20-Jun-2022)

Impact of some growth regulators, antioxidants and micro- nutrients applied by different methods on productivity and quality of bread wheat

Waleed A.E. Abido, Saleh S.E. Seadh and Abdelarim A. Leilah

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 04 (02):01-07

Waleed A.E. Abido: Agronomy Department-Faculty of Agriculture-Mansoura University

Saleh S.E. Seadh: Mansoura University

Abdelarim A. Leilah: Mansoura University

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Article History: Received on: 23-Jan-22, Accepted on: 17-Jun-22, Published on: 20-Jun-22

Corresponding Author: Waleed A.E. Abido


Citation: Abido WAE, Seadh SE, Leilah AA and Nourhan GMA (2022). Impact of some growth regulators, antioxidants and micro- nutrients applied by different methods on productivity and quality of bread wheat. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 04 (02):01-07


Aim: The main objective of this study was to estimate the role of application procedures with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), AsA, Folifert powder and their mixture on productivity and quality of bread wheat Misr 1 cultivar grains.

Materials and Methods: The factors under study were arranged in a strip-plot design including four replicates. The vertical plots were assigned to three different methods of treatment, i.e., seeds soaking, foliar spraying and seeds soaking combined with foliar spraying. The horizontal plots were assigned to seven materials without as control; treated with distilled water; ascorbic acid (AsA); commercial Folifert powder; AsA and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA);AsA and Folifert powder; IAA and Folifert powder.

Results: Results presented that seeds presoaking combined with foliar application was the best application procedures and produced highest averages of studied characters in both seasons. The combination of IAA (0.05 g/L) plus Folifert powder (3.75 g/L) was the best treatment and the maximum values of all studied characters. The mixture of AsA(0.1 g/L) plus Folifert powder (3.75 g/L)came at the second rank after above mentioned treatment.

Conclusion: It was concluded that soaking wheat seeds for 12 hours in a mixture solution of IAA0.1 g/L) plus Folifert powder (3.75 g/L) or the mixture of AsA plus Folifert powder at the same rates then directly sowing and followed by twice foliar application the first dose at 45 days from sowing and the second dose after two weeks from the first the productivity of bread wheat Misr 1 cultivar under the environmental conditions.


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