
Original research (Published On: 06-Dec-2020)

Impacts of salinity on germination and early seedling growth of bean plants (bean phaseolus)

Firew Admasu Hailu and Ahmedin Jeylan

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (04):12-17

Firew Admasu Hailu: College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dilla University, Ethiopia

Ahmedin Jeylan: College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dilla University, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 30-Oct-20, Accepted on: 23-Nov-20, Published on: 06-Dec-20

Corresponding Author: Firew Admasu Hailu


Citation: Firew AH and Ahmedin J (2020). Impacts of salinity on germination and early seedling growth of bean plants (bean phaseolus). J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (04):12-17


Aim: The study was carried to evaluate the effects of salinity on germination and early seedling growth of Bean plants.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Dilla University, in the laboratory of Biological sciences on 21 groups out of which 20 were experimental with different salt concentrations ranging from 0.05 M to 1.00 M with 0.05 M difference and one control group. Each group contain three bean seed measuring its weight using electronic balance machine, sterilized with 70% Alcohol solution for 15 seconds, rinsed with distilled water, placed in separate Petri dish using a forceps, 50 ml of solution were added to each Petri dish with different concentration, all Petri dishes were covered with lids and kept into incubator at room temperature for 17 days, germinated seed were counted, seedlings root and shoot length were measured using a ruler. Finally, the Bean was transferred to non-saline condition, weight of germinated Bean were measured to compare with their normal weight and to determine the effects of salt on seed weight, which was conducted in triplicates. All necessary data were taken, analyzed and interpreted.

Results: While the concentration of salt increased, the Bean plants were extremely affected, germination rate decreased and the terminal weights of seed were become lower than the initial weight due to the absorption of water by seed.

Conclusion: The rate of germination decreases when the salt concentration increased and late growth of length of root and shoots when the salt dosage is highest and also the weights of seed reduced as concentration of salt is raised. Generally, as the concentration of salt is increased the Bean plant is extremely affected.


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