
Original research (Published On: 10-May-2024)

Improving furrow irrigation performance using Skogerboe models of continuous flow for different soil

mohamed ahmed agrelnabi

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (02):33-41

mohamed ahmed agrelnabi: Agricultural engineering

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Article History: Received on: 17-Jan-24, Accepted on: 01-May-24, Published on: 10-May-24

Corresponding Author: mohamed ahmed agrelnabi


Citation: Garelnabi MA and Mohammed HI (2024). Improving furrow irrigation performance using Skogerboe models of continuous flow for different soil. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (02):33-41


Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the furrow lengths suggested by Boher using Skogerboe model (which was based on the volume balance equation) for continuous flow.

Materials and Methods: Four slopes (0.02,0.03,0.05 and 1%) were selected with three flow rates for each slope, four furrow lengths, and four net irrigation requirements for two types of soil (clay and sandy).

Results: The results indicated that the highest application efficiency obtained was 80.2% for a furrow length of 100 m at a flow rate of 0.59 l/s and slope of 1% in clay soils, while the highest distribution efficiency was 95.9% for a furrow length of 100 m at a flow rate of 1.19 l/s and a slope of 0.5%.

Conclusion: It was concluded that a mathematical model gives a better representation of the design parameters (inflow rate, slope and furrow length) with variables constant (a, k, f0, Zreq, n, S0, 𝜎y, p1 and p2) and is more flexible because it permits easy changes in these three variables and that lead the designer to a maximum efficiency.


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