
Original research (Published On: 30-Sep-2019)

Indigenous cognizance systems of nigerian farmers for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture

Nwulu Jamin, E.F. Odoemenam and C.C. Godson-Ibeji

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (03):26-33

Nwulu Jamin: Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, University of Abuja, Nigeria

E.F. Odoemenam: Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology, Nigeria

C.C. Godson-Ibeji: Department of Agricultural Extension, Federal University of Technology, Nigeria

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Article History: Received on: 20-Mar-19, Accepted on: 27-Sep-19, Published on: 30-Sep-19

Corresponding Author: Nwulu Jamin


Citation: Jamin N, Odoemenam EF and Godson-Ibeji CC (2019). Indigenous cognizance systems of nigerian farmers for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (03):26-33


Aim: The study was aimed to analyze indigenous farmer’s cognizance systems for adaptation of climate change and mitigation in context of agriculture in southeast Nigeria.

Materials and Methods: Farmers were randomly selected from different places of Southeast, Nigeria. Questionnaire and oral interview were used to collect information from the farmers. Standard statistical formula was used to analyze collected data.

Results: The famers of study area were fully aware of climate change variability as indicated by a high mean score of the various prediction signs such as erratic rainfall pattern, heavy flooding and long rainfall among others. Indigenous practices were used to adapt of climate change, mitigation and for control of different diseases.

Conclusion: The practices which employed by farmers are safe and have proved successful for the region and recommendations of the modern practices in agriculture should be integrated.


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