
Original research (Published On: 22-Jul-2020)

Insect, disease and yield performance of purple and green colored eggplant hybrids in Bangladesh

AKM Quamruzzaman and Ferdouse Islam

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (03):01-06

AKM Quamruzzaman: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh

Ferdouse Islam: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh

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Article History: Received on: 01-Jun-20, Accepted on: 13-Jul-20, Published on: 22-Jul-20

Corresponding Author: AKM Quamruzzaman


Citation: Quamruzzaman AKM and Islam F (2020). Insect, disease and yield performance of purple and green colored eggplant hybrids in Bangladesh. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (03):01-06


Aim: The study was carried out to develop high yielding hybrids resistance to brinjal fruit and shoot borer (BFSB) and bacterial wilt.

Materials and Methods: It was taken five purple and green colored egg plant F1’s at experimental farm of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Results: Wide-ranging of hybrids were significant for reaction to all characters (P<0.05). The hybrid F1 20x5 required minimum 100 days to first harvest. Maximum marketable fruit number was obtained by F1 1x19 (33.00).Heavy sized fruit was harvested by F1 1x5 (175 g), followed by F1 13x12 (156 g), F1 14x5 (151 g). The range of fruit infection by BFSB was 10.66 -18.00 %, while lowest in F1 13x12 (10.66 %). In case of bacterial wilt (BW) infestation at field level performance, zero percent incidences was observed in F1 1x19, F1 13x12, BARI Hybrid Begun-2. The yield range of eggplant hybrids was 24.93- 48.03 t/ha. The highest fruit yield was recorded from the line F1 1x5 (48.03 t/ha), followed by F1 1x19 (45.01 t/ha), F113x12 (39.23 t/ha). Though the yield was higher in the hybrids F1 1x5, F1 1x19, F1 13x12 but in view of earliness, resistance to infection by BFSB, bacterial wilt infestation, eye-catching fruit shape and color, F1 1x19 (purple colored hybrid) and F1 13x12 (green colored hybrid) were found promising.

Conclusion: It was concluded that these two hybrids viz., F1 1x19, F1 13x12 can be selected for the farmers of Bangladesh.


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