
Original research (Published On: 30-Mar-2020)

Investigation of strength and dimensional movement of cement bonded board produced from tomato stem particles and coconut sawdust

Isaac .O. Oyewo, B. Ajayi, L.O. Aguda, M. B. Bakare, O.Y. Aguda and A.O. Owoloja

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (01):17-24

Isaac .O. Oyewo: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

B. Ajayi: Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

L.O. Aguda: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

M. B. Bakare: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

O.Y. Aguda: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

A.O. Owoloja: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

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Article History: Received on: 17-Dec-19, Accepted on: 21-Jan-20, Published on: 30-Mar-20

Corresponding Author: Isaac .O. Oyewo


Citation: Owoloja AO, Ajayi B, Aguda LO, Bakare MB, Oyewo IO and Aguda OY (2020). Investigation of strength and dimensional movement of cement bonded board produced from tomato stem particles and coconut sawdust. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (01):17-24


Aim: The study was carried out to examine the use of coconut sawdust and tomato stem particles as wood at varying blending proportion to produce tomato particle based board.

Materials and Methods: Boards of dimensions 350mm by 350mm by 6mm were produced from cement and wood (Coconut sawdust, tomato stem particles) at different blending proportion and addition of additive (CaCl2 at different concentration). The physical properties which included water absorption and thickness swelling and mechanical properties which included Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) were investigated. Thickness swelling and water absorption were investigated at 24 and 48 hours.

Results: The results showed that boards exhibited mean values of 0.50% to4.16% and 2.12% to 7.00% respectively of thickness swelling at 24 hours and 48 hours respectively and 13.62% to 25.16% and 17.62% to 29.07% of water absorption at 24 hours and 48 hours respectively. The boards also exhibited means of 1.00N/mm2 to 5.25N/mm2 and 339.48N/mm2 to 3425.73N/mm2 for MOR and MOE respectively. Results showed that increase in the tomato particle content cause increase in water absorption, thickness swelling as it shows highest water absorption and thickness swelling values.

Conclusion: It was concluded that tomato stem and coconut sawdust can be used to produce cement bonded boards after pretreatment with hot water and preferably both sieved.


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