
Original research (Published On: 26-Jul-2024)

Investigation of the profit efficiency of garri processors in Rivers State, Nigeria

Nwahia Ogechi C and Siėwė Franҫois

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (03):01-08

Nwahia Ogechi C: Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute (NSPRI), Nigeria

Siėwė Franҫois: Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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Article History: Received on: 25-Mar-24, Accepted on: 17-Jul-24, Published on: 26-Jul-24

Corresponding Author: Nwahia Ogechi C


Citation: Nwahia OC, Emmanuel N, Elemasho MK, Siėwė F, Ogodo CO, Eke Stephen and Aneke CC (2024). Investigation of the profit efficiency of garri processors in Rivers State, Nigeria. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (03):01-08


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate profit efficiency of garri processors in Rivers state, Nigeria.

Materials and Methods: A purposive sampling procedure and snow balling techniques were used to select 120 respondents for this study. The study utilized primary source of data collected with the aid of structures questionnaire, and the collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and percentage, and inferential statistics such as Stochastic (profit function) frontier model.

Results: The results revealed that more than 75% of the garri processors in Rivers State were female. The mean age of the sampled garri processors were 45.5 years, with average years in formal education, and experience in garri processing of 9.9 years and 19.8 years respectively. Majority of the garri processors does not have any extension contact, and are not a member of any association. Likewise, the results revealed that the sampled garri processors were 37% profit efficient.

Conclusion: It was concluded that cost of cassava roots; cost of grating/milling of the cassava; cost of hiring equipment used in garri processing; and cost of transportation were the factors that negatively affected the total profit made by the garri processors in Rivers State.


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