
Original research (Published On: 01-Nov-2019)

Knowledge and perception of Horticulture as a career

A.Q. Yusuff, I.O. Abiola, J.C. Ohaegbulam and R.V. Oyewumi

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (04):06-12

A.Q. Yusuff: Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, Nigeria

I.O. Abiola: Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, Nigeria

J.C. Ohaegbulam: Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, Nigeria

R.V. Oyewumi: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

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Article History: Received on: 16-Oct-19, Accepted on: 30-Oct-19, Published on: 01-Nov-19

Corresponding Author: A.Q. Yusuff


Citation: Yusuff AQ, Abiola IO, Ohaegbulam JC and Oyewumi RV (2019). Knowledge and perception of Horticulture as a career. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 01 (04):06-12


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge status and perception of student towards horticulture as a career in Oyo State.

Method and Materials: Data were collected systematically and descriptive statistics such as bar chart graph and frequency table was used to analyze the data while inferential statistics such as regression analysis and t-test was used to evaluate significance.

Results: It was revealed that majority of the respondent were between 10-15 years of age, also majority of the students were in SS2 which indicates the set time for them to choose a career path that would usher them into the next stage of learning. Furthermore, the gender findings revealed that 34% were male, while 66% were female. This result clearly shows that the profitability of horticulture is not gender-based.

Conclusion: Majority of the respondents have good perceptions towards horticulture as a profession and aware of its benefits and profitability, which would result to a progressive effect on the capacity building of the horticultural sector. Horticulture remains as the better option for the new generation of professionals.


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