
Original research (Published On: 16-Feb-2021)

Maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for Terai ecological belt of Nepal

Keshab Babu Koirala, Bhim Nath Adhikari and Mahendra Prasad Tripathi

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (01):21-28

Keshab Babu Koirala: Plant Breeder

Bhim Nath Adhikari: Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nepal

Mahendra Prasad Tripathi: National Maize Research Program (NMRP), Nepal

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Article History: Received on: 03-Jan-21, Accepted on: 08-Feb-21, Published on: 16-Feb-21

Corresponding Author: Keshab Babu Koirala


Citation: Koirala KB, Adhikari BN and Tripathi MP (2021). Maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for Terai ecological belt of Nepal. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (01):21-28


Aim: The study was aimed to identify suitable hybrids for Terai and inner Terai environment which are potential pockets for hybrid cultivation.

Materials and Methods: Different sets of varietal trials were conducted using randomized complete block design in different research stations under Nepal Agricultural Research Council across the Terai and inner Terai region of the country during the summer of 2016/17 to 2018/19.

Results: Significant genotypic differences were observed for grain yield and major agronomic traits. This study identified maize hybrids better and/or competent to standard check namely CAH1721, CAH1715, RML-222/NML-2, RML-86/RML-96, RML-95/RML-96, CAL-1421/CML-451 and CAL-1465/CML-451 for the targeted environment.

Conclusion: The hybrids identified better based on overall performances should be promoted to farmers' field trials to get feedback from them. Hybrids namely CAH1715, RML-86/RML-96, and RML-95/RML-96 should be proposed for release for commercial cultivation as they performed well across the years and locations, and are preferred by farmers, too.


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