
Original research (Published On: 05-Aug-2024)

Registration of “Hegere and Duromsa” common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties for mid-lowlands of Guji zones and similar agro-ecologies in Ethiopia

Tekalign Afeta

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (03):09-12

Tekalign Afeta: Bore Agricultural Research Center, Bore, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 28-Mar-24, Accepted on: 27-Jul-24, Published on: 05-Aug-24

Corresponding Author: Tekalign Afeta


Citation: Afeta T, Shumi D, Gobena C, Niguse R and Debelo B (2024). Registration of “Hegere and Duromsa” common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties for mid-lowlands of Guji zones and similar agro-ecologies in Ethiopia. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 06 (03):09-12


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate and release high yielding, stable/wider adaptation and resistant to major common bean diseases for the mid-lowlands of Guji zones and similar agro-ecologies.

Materials and Methods: Total of thirteen (13) common bean genotypes were evaluated in multi-location trial at four locations viz, Adola-woyu, Kiltu-sorsa, Gobicha and wodera for two consecutive years during main cropping season.

Results: Out of tested genotypes, varieties such as Hegere (NSEA515-11-1) and Duromsa (NSEA515-11-31) were found to be superior in grain yield, stable in performance and tolerant to major common bean diseases. The variety "Hegere" is characterized with red seed color associated with preferable for food, high grain yield with average of 2.90 tons ha-1 and which is showed a yield advantage of 16% and 23% over the standard check (SER-119) and local check, respectively. While, variety "Duromsa" had creamy seed color, high seed weight and also given the most stable high grain yield (2.78 tons ha-1) with yield advantage of 11% and 17% over the standard and local checks, respectively.

Conclusion: It was concluded that two common bean varieties, Hegere and Duromsa were released for their higher yield, stable in yield performance across tested locations and also revealed resistant reaction to major bean diseases as compared to the standard and local checks.


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