
Review article (Published On: 30-Sep-2023)

Review on sorghum grain mold and its sustainable management methods through host resistance

Hayilu Gichile

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 05 (03):33-39

Hayilu Gichile: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 25-Jun-23, Accepted on: 26-Sep-23, Published on: 30-Sep-23

Corresponding Author: Hayilu Gichile


Citation: Gichile H (2023). Review on sorghum grain mold and its sustainable management methods through host resistance. J. Agri. Res. Adv., 05 (03):33-39


Fungal pathogens targeting the grains such as grain mold, loose smut, head may pose serious threats to global food security. Grain mold is a complex fungal disease of sorghum grain as its causal agents involving many fungal species. It is a result of infection by multiple fungal pathogens which reduces yield and grain quality. It is devastating particularly in the regions with high humidity and temperature during grain development. These pathogens can destroy sorghum panicles and reduce yields if conditions favorable for disease persist. The pathogen can cause grain loss of 30-100% in susceptible varieties and yield reductions are due to caryopsis abortion, reduced seed filling and lower grain density while seed quality and market values are affected due to surface discoloration, embryo and endosperm deterioration and contamination by toxigenic fungi and their mycotoxins. To mitigate the grain loss caused by these pathogens, it is necessary to be able to detect and identify them early in the infection process. Furthermore, the rapid identification of fungal disease by timely recognition of their symptoms is an effective management practice and may help control and prevent their spread and progress. Providentially, most diseases of grain sorghum can be managed by planting resistant varieties and adopting certain cultural practices. This research review primarily focuses on biology, distribution, economic significance, and sustainable control strategies through host plant resistance.


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