
Original research (Published On: 16-Feb-2021)

Yield loss evaluation in faba bean caused by faba bean gall (Olipidium viciae Kusano)

Belachew Tiruneh

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (01):29-33

Belachew Tiruneh: Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

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Article History: Received on: 13-Jan-21, Accepted on: 10-Feb-21, Published on: 16-Feb-21

Corresponding Author: Belachew Tiruneh


Citation: Bekele B (2021). Yield loss evaluation in faba bean caused by faba bean gall (Olipidium viciae Kusano). J. Agri. Res. Adv., 03 (01):29-33


Aim: The study was aimed to quantify the losses incurred due to the disease and to evaluate the economic gain from fungicide application.

Materials and Methods: Experiments were conducted at Degem (hot spot for the disease) on farmer’s field. The soil types of the trial site were red soil and local variety was used to execute the experiment. Redomil MZ with its recommendation rate (2 kg ha-1) was applied while randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was used. Spray frequency was scheduled at 15 days interval and spraying of fungicides was started when the first symptoms of the disease appeared and continued according to spray schedule designated for each treatment.

Results: Besides, losses in yield, the disease also affect the quality of grain yield. Significantly differences were recorded on plots received different spray frequencies in disease severity, AUDPC, pod per plant, seed per pod, thousand kernel weight and grain yield. The highest disease severity score (43.10%) and AUDPC (1676.7 % in days) were recorded on unsprayed plots whereas the least severity (23.57%) and AUDPC (1205.0 % in days) were on three times sprayed plots, respectively. A relative yield loss of 30.06% - 66.27% was recorded. Three times sprayed plots recorded the highest grain yield of (1450.7kg/ha) whereas unsprayed plot recorded the lowest yield (489.3 kg/ha). Three times sprayed plots also gave the highest net benefit (ETB 37671) with a marginal rate of return (393.03%) followed by (ETB 26541) net profits and (304.15%) marginal rate of return, respectively.

Conclusion: It was concluded that spraying of Redomil MZ three times reduced “faba bean gall” disease severity and AUDPC while the highest were recorded from unsprayed plots. Application of this fungicides three times gave high yield and net profit than the other treatments.


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