
Original research (Published On: 14-Dec-2020)

Yielding and stability appraisal of released varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.)

Tegegn Belete and Nesrya Bediru

J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (04):31-35

Tegegn Belete: Jimma Research Center, Jimma, Ethiopia

Nesrya Bediru: Jimma Research Center, Jimma, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 05-Nov-20, Accepted on: 06-Dec-20, Published on: 14-Dec-20

Corresponding Author: Tegegn Belete


Citation: Bediru N and Belete T (2020). Yielding and stability appraisal of released varieties of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.). J. Agri. Res. Adv., 02 (04):31-35


Aim: The study was planned to identify high yielding and stable sorghum varieties and to recommend for southwestern Ethiopia.

Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in two locations southwestern Ethiopia in different cropping seasons. Four released varieties, viz, Dagim, Baji, Geremew and Aba Melko were used for the experiment. Each plot has the size of 10 m x 10 m with row and plant spacing of 75 and 15 cm respectively.

Results: The varieties showed different performance across locations and years. Among the varieties, the highest average grain yield (39.35 qt/ha) was obtained from Aba Melko and 37.4 qt/ha was obtained from Dagim variety.

Conclusion: It was concluded that Aba Melko and Dagim could be used as checks to evaluate the performance of other genotypes and also can be recommended for wider cultivation in the locations of Southwestern Ethiopia.


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